Rota Vicentina_en

Rota Vicentina

For some years, Rota Vicentina has being monitoring the impact of their nature tour activities. This film is a presentation of the studies and an introduction to the results.


Direction, animation, graphics: Manel Sacadura
Illustration: Ileana Rovetta
Script: Rita Freitas
Voice: Adelaide Sousa
Music: Vasco Vilhena

Production: HOMY Animation [2018]

Production galleries


The storyboard was made at the same time as the graphic concept was developed.  It's drawings were adapted to be used in the animatic.


Some of Ileana Rovetta's early concepts setting the general graphic approach for client approval, followed by some of her final vector illustrations. Parts of those was used directly in the film, while others (characters mainly) were adapted and developed for animation.


The style charts concepts by Manel Sacadura enhanced the statistical data from its plain excel sheets and powerpoint generated charts.

Some icons and details were further developed during the production.

Thanks for watching!  👍🏼